
New York State Energy Plan

The New York State Energy Plan

The New York State Energy Plan is a roadmap designed to create a viable, long term energy system for all New Yorkers. Recognizing that conflicting policies and overlapping areas of jurisdiction impede progress, the Plan coordinates every State agency and authority involved in energy production and distribution to support the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) agenda outlined in 2014 by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo.

The initiatives outlined in the New York State Energy Plan, along with private sector innovation and investment fueled by REV, will put New York State on a path to achieving the following clean energy goals by 2030:

  • 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels
  • 50% electricity will come from renewable energy resources
  • 600 trillion Btu increase in statewide energy efficiency

Key Components of the New York State Energy Plan

According to the website for New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), there are several key challenges to be addressed by the NY Plan that will drive future energy policy.  These include

Affordability  Drive system-wide savings that benefit all customers and encourage private investment in distributed clean energy solutions that help customers better manage their energy bills and reduce fuel costs.

Environmental Animate clean energy markets through strategies to attract private sector capital investment, and support clean transportation alternatives, enabling New York State to meet its aggressive environmental energy goals and transition to a clean energy economy

Reliability and Resiliency Complement and further other resiliency efforts by promoting the development of clean, local energy resources that strengthen and improve the reliability of the grid.

Regulatory Reform Provide New York State with the ability to operate its energy system more efficiently and at a lower cost, and enable utilities to chart a vibrant, but changing, future.

Environmental Justice Help communities disproportionately impacted by air pollution pursue a clean energy future

Clean, Reliable Transportation Guide the development and implementation of programs that will help fund and facilitate the clean transportation system of the future while maintaining existing infrastructure. Build an integrated energy network able to harness the combined benefits of the central grid with clean, locally generated power.

How Do Ratepayers Benefit?

Ratepayers will be positively impacted by the plan’s implementation through new, more cost-effective approaches. Regulatory reform is intended to unleash new market opportunities, providing new competitive energy options and prices. Further, the Clean Energy Fund, NYPA and other utility programs will continue to offer energy efficiency and clean energy options that are also proven to reduce customer energy bills.

That’s where solar energy comes in.  With a statewide goal to generate 50% of the state’s electricity from renewable energy resources by 2030, solar policy has never been more important.  State incentives and tax rebates, as well as funds designated for solar research, make solar energy even more attractive for NY home and business owners.

Solar energy in NY is clearly on the move. Our state and local policy makers and our utility companies are working hard to advance solar energy in our state, and we are making great strides in terms of economic growth as a result.  Venture Home Solar is proud of those accomplishments, and we stand ready to help you explore your solar options. Headquartered in Brooklyn, we only serve NYC and the surrounding areas. We’re the local experts who get jobs done quickly and cleanly – just ask your neighbors.

If you are looking to go solar with your home, learn more by contacting one of our solar experts at Venture Home Solar. NY is Solar Smart – you can be too!  Find out how you can be part of the clean energy initiative in New York today!

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